13 March 2012

I once was that really negative girl. Make me mad? I would be mad for the rest of the day && there was almost nothing anyone could do about it. However, in April of last year my father passed away. I was very upset but I knew I could let it break me, or I could let it make me. Make me into the person I wanted to be. 

Instead of being angry that my father was taken from my mother && I, I decided to be happy that he was no longer in pain. He no longer had to suffer through the pain that he was in. Slowly that attitude took over other aspects of my life. My air conditioning goes out before I'm supposed to head to Auburn before my friend's birthday? Stop crying, get in your car, open your sunroof, roll down your windows && go! I changed how I thought about things && then my life changed.

Life is all about perception. Either you perceive things negatively or you perceive things positively. If you can't change the situation, change your mind frame. It'll make a world of difference.

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